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Dispomos de uma grande variedade de material sobre o King of pop, desde Downloads, Notícias até a uma galeria de fotos de todas as épocas da vida do astro.
Seja Bem vinda(o) ao fórum MJMoonwalker , para visualizar os nossos tópicos faça login ou inscreva-se.
Dispomos de uma grande variedade de material sobre o King of pop, desde Downloads, Notícias até a uma galeria de fotos de todas as épocas da vida do astro.
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Se vocês precisarem de sinônimos para as palavras – talento, carisma e genialidade não procurem um dicionário. Apenas digam um nome: Michael Jackson
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Mensagens : 3665
Data de inscrição : 11/10/2009
Idade : 33
Localização : Quarteira

Ecstasy.... Empty
MensagemAssunto: Ecstasy....   Ecstasy.... EmptyTer Nov 17, 2009 5:10 pm


I was born to never die
To live in bliss, to never cry
To speak the truth and never lie
To share my love without a sigh
To stretch my arms without a tie
This is my dance, this is my high
It’s not a secret, can’t you see
Why can’t we all live in ecstasy

Ecstasy Ecstasy
Why can’t we all
Live in Ecstasy.

Without a guilt, without regret
I am here to forget
Tainted memories of imagined sin
In every friend, kith and kin

We have come to celebrate here
The getting rid of every fear
Of every notion, every seed
Of any separation, caste, or creed.

This alienation, fragmentation, abomination
Of separation, exploitation, isolation
This cruelty, hysteria, absolute madness
This anger, anxiety, overflowing sadness
Disrupted ecology, wanton destruction
Diseased biology, nature’s obstruction
Endangered species, environmental pollution
Holes in the ozone, defying solution
Is not knowing the spark that lights my interior
Is the same fire, glowing in every man, child, and mother superior

We have come to celebrate here
The getting rid of every fear
Of every notion, every seed
Of any separation, caste, or creed.

Feeling free, let us fly
Into the boundless, beyond the sky
For we were born to never die
To live in bliss, to never cry
To speak the truth and never lie
To share our love without a sign
To stretch our arms without a tie

This is our dance, this is our high
It’s not a secret, can’t you see
Why can’t we all live in ecstasy

Ecstasy Ecstasy
Why can’t we all
Live in Ecstasy.
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